
Majishan Port Ores Processing Centre is now in action

Date:2023/7/25 Source: CISDI

The Majishan Port Ores Processing Centre in China’s Zhejiang Province is now operational.

It is the first in the word capable of intensified (fine) blending.

It was created with investment from Baowu Jingcheng (Zhoushan) Mining Tech Co and CISDI was its EPC-based service provider.

The processing centre has two fine blending and proportioning lines which carry out charging, blending and proportioning, plus delivery systems.

Its single proportioning system features a capacity of 4,000 tonnes per hour.

CISDI’s new process and equipment tech for clean production and smart proportioning was used for the project. It ensures the full production process is precisely controlled and does not harm the environment.

The lines are performing steadily and reliably and are delivering high-quality, fine-blended products.

² Solving recurring environmental and safety issues

The proportioning system applies a central scraper feeder and a high-precision electronic scale. CISDI’s patented tech for advanced measurement and smart proportioning control tech enables the central scraper to perform uniformly and stably. Blockage-free performance and well-sealed feeding is also achieved.

It ensures the blended ore has a stable content of continuously-fed SiO2 and TFe and results in a clean environment under the stock-bin, and stable production.

The blending system features a number of technical advancements - dual-system, multi-point simultaneous processing, smart multi-point layered discharging and reliable, expandable vertical intensified mixing.

These technologies, coupled with the investor’s production management expertise, ensure the quality of fine-blended products outperform world metallurgical sector performance indicators.

CISDI’s clean production tech has eradicated common problems such as blogging of the transport and transfer system and spraying of the proportioning bin.

In addition to reducing landed ores, the self-reliant tech prioritises the equipment security and labour productivity, thus creating a cleaner, safer and more efficient production line.

² Achieving high standards of production efficiency, quality and stability

CISDI’s proprietary smart proportioning tech ensures an equal content of SiO2 and TFe is consistently controlled at the proportioning bin by displaying its magic functions:

ü  Smart proportioning control model and algorithm

ü  Tracking of all precisely-measured data and finding differentiations through repeated comparison and analysis

ü  Feedback of online analysis results in product compositional data, and real-time adjustment of proportioning control.

These functions play a critical role in stabilising blended ore quality. Thanks to the deep fusion of CISDI’s smart tech and the existing control system and the smooth interfacing of information flowing between upstream and downstream procedures, the lines have achieved:

ü  Centralised production control

ü  Smart equipment running

ü  Streamlined staffing

ü  Transparent procedures

ü  Standardised safety and environmental protection

ü  Maximised overall benefits.

A digital twin-based platform has been built for the ore processing centre. By implementing smart, visual control on the production process, real-time lean production management and pre-judgement of redundant and stuck production, a more efficient and better quality product is achieved.

² Enhancing values and overall competitiveness

The Majishan Port has been upgraded to a sectoral demo of efficiency, quality and value creation. The port and its downstream stockyard were rebuilt to increase an additional throughput of 20-million-tonne fine-blended ores.

The port’s blending and proportioning flow was reduced by applying CISDI’s proportioning plus intensified blending process. It is faster, more responsive and adapts to a diverse range of customer requirements, all of which helps steel plants to slash their internal proportioning costs.

The port has been transformed from a conventional transfer yard to a fine blending and delivery base for stable, quality and low-content-variation ores and is recognised as a high value creator.



CISDI and its customers are pictured at the Majishan Port Ores Processing Centre start-up ceremony



Majishan Port’s ore processing site


The digital twin platform at Majishan Port Ores Processing Centre